A word from our pastor
I am grateful that you have chosen to consider Danville Baptist Church as your church home. My desire for DBC is first that we glorify God in everything we do and exalt Jesus Christ. I pray that the worship is Spirit-filled and the fellowship among our believers is Christ-filled. If you have visited with us, then I hope you were greeted and felt welcome. If you are considering visiting DBC then let me say, we would love to have you. I welcome an opportunity to meet you personally either on your visit or by emailing me and setting up a time for us to meet. Thank you again for considering worshiping our Savior with us at DBC.
Mission Statement
Our mission is quite simple: we strive to be a Great Command and Great Commission church. Our prayer is to love God with all of heart, strength, mind, and soul and then to make disciples of all nations. Our prayer is to stay focused on the mission at all times. If we love God with everything we have and desire to make disciples, then we don’t have time to get distracted with minor issues.

Our Worship Style
Our Sunday morning worship services offer a blend of traditional and contemporary selections that provide a unique worship experience. Our congregational singing always blends traditional worship such as, At the Cross by Isaac Watts and there is Power in the Blood by Lewis E. Jones with contemporary worship, such as How Great is Our God by Chris Tomlin and Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) by Hillsong United. The choir, praise team and praise band lead the Sunday Morning worship services. Please come join us this Sunday at Danville Baptist Church where we always Celebrate Jesus!
Upcoming Events
From the Blog
Who are you listening to?
Marcellus Wiley works for Fox Sports and a couple weeks ago he tweeted (this will be a paraphrase) "Why do we listen to the blue check marks as if they are experts on subjects they
`Jesus warned us against hypocrisy on more than one occassion. The meaning of hypocrite was taken from an actor who wore more than one face. Then, actors would play more than one role and would
Cancel Culture
Many things ail this country: The mainstream media (the biggest issue in my opinion), politicians, Hollywood, love of money and one that flies underneath the radar--social media. I have a love/hate relationship with social media
The Virus
Well, I am sure this won't be contrtoversial at all but let's talk about the virus. Let us remember the point of this blog is Psalms 119:125 that we may have discernment and learn God's
The Mask
If you have ever watched Seinfeld or Arrested Development, then you know the episodes almost always come full cirlce. I think it is interesting that America has done the same in some respects. This country